Covid19 Terminators delivers far greater disinfecting power, superior to oxidising actives such as hypochlorite or peracetic acid. It is exceptionally rapid in action, enabling effective sanitising with low contact times against pathogens such as E. coli Botrytis, Campylobacter jejuni, Salmonella, Listeria, Shigella, Staphylococcus and spore-based pathogens such as C. difficile.
– Skin neutral pH
– Non-irritant
– No COSHH implications
– Non-toxic
– Can be used directly on food
– Breaks down to just water

Increases food safety – extends the shelf life of fresh produce
Spraying Covid19 Terminators significantly reduces surface micro-organisms on food which makes minimum residue limits a concern of the past. You can safely spray it on:
– Meat & Fish
– Fruit & Vegetables
– Cut flowers

Covid19 Terminators Fogging Fluid is specially formulated to achieve surface and airborne disinfection. It does not require rooms to be sealed or excluded from use for long periods of time.

Covid19 Terminators Sanitizing Fluid achieves decontamination in CIP, tank-cleaning and bottle-rinsing applications.
– Environmentally friendly
– Bio-degradeable
– No animal testing
– It is manufactured in an ecologically responsible manner

It has been independently tested at the UK’s most respected laboratories.
Covid19 Terminators is effective against all pathogens and kills 99.99% of even the most resilient spores in less than
15 seconds.

99.99% sterilising effectiveness in just 15 seconds
In the food industry where hygiene is critical and speed of sterilisation is vital for efficiency, Covid19 Terminators is a revolutionary product.

Based on a unique stable active halogen technology Covid19 Terminators is a chemically-manufactured replica of the solution made by the human’s immune system to fight infection and destroy the DNA and RNA of pathogens, preventing them from ‘learning’ the chemistry and becoming immune to it.