We started our business to help our community stay safe and fight Covid-19


Our Story

Our disinfectant fogging and cleaning solution involves saturating the environment with a germicidal and virucidal sanitizing solution that kills pathogens which are airborne and carried in respiratory droplets. 

The solution reaches even difficult-to-access areas. 

Disinfecting residential and commercial environments like homes, offices, schools, hospitals and nurseries help prevent the spread of disease and protect the environment from harmful germs.

Our products are manufactured in an ecologically responsible manner

Our Mission

Mission Statement

We aim to help the world combat infectious diseases, allowing both the private and public sectors to feel safe. 

Our Vision

Our unique foggers are designed to spray a disinfecting solution on surfaces that will continue working even after we have completed the fogging process.

Our Values

We are motivated by our ability to fight against bacteria and viruses such as
Covid-19, using cutting edge solutions and professional service. 

Covid-19 Guidelines

The advice for anyone in any setting is to follow these main safety guidelines.

If you have been in contact with a coronavirus patient or have returned from an affected area identified as high risk by the Chief Medical Officer and you are feeling ill with a cough, fever, shortness of breath or a sore throat – stay at home! Use the 111 online coronavirus service.


  • Wash your hands more often than usual, using soap and hot water for 20 seconds, especially after coughing, sneezing and blowing your nose. Be extra cautious after being in a public area. Don’t touch your face.
  • Use a hand sanitizer that contains 70% alcohol if that’s all you have access to.
  • To reduce the spread of germs when you cough or sneeze, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or cough and sneeze into your elbow (not your hands). Immediately discard the tissue. Then wash your hands or use a hand sanitising gel.
  • Scientific research has proven that wearing face masks will decrease exposure and that infection risks posed by the Covid-19 pandemic.
  • Keep a social distance of at least 1,5 meters.
  • Clean and disinfect your workspace and high-touch surfaces in your home, using your regular cleaning products, to help reduce the risk of contamination to yourself and those around you.