Stay Safe Fogging and Window Cleaning Services


We provide fogging services and window cleaning services across North Essex

Stay Safe Fogging and Window Cleaning Services: About Us

Stay Safe Fogging and Window Cleaning Services is a family operated business in North Essex that provides disinfectant fogging services and window cleaning services for both residential and commercial properties.

Our disinfectant fogging service involves saturating the environment with a germicidal and virucidal sanitizing solution that kills pathogens that are airborne and carried in respiratory droplets.

Our window cleaning service uses pure water that is pumped through to a water fed pole broom that washes your windows leaving them sparkling clean.

Contact us today for further assistance


We provide fogging services and window cleaning services for residential and commercial to keep your premises clean and healthy

In the News

Covid19 Terminators Sanitizing Fluid

Covid19 Terminators delivers far greater disinfecting power, superior to oxidising actives such as hypochlorite or peracetic acid. It is exceptionally rapid in action, enabling effective sanitising with low contact times against pathogens such as E. coli Botrytis,...

Hypochlorous Acid: The Most Effective Biocide Just Got Better

Hypochlorous acid is one of the most effective known biocides. This weak acid with the chemical name HClO or HOCl is the same chemical produced by the human immune system to kill invasive organisms and fight infection. It is a biocide so safe for humans and animals...

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